Previously, I’ve discussed entertainment work permits for children working in the state of California. But there are many of you in states other than California who are wondering if you need an entertainment work permit for your child. If you are looking for employment within the state of California, refer to my posts concerning entertainment …
Tag Archive: technorati
Apr 26
When Should You Join Screen Actors Guild When You Are an Actor?
So many actors and parents of child actors seem to be concerned about not being in Screen Actors Guild (SAG) (See “What is SAG?” and “What Does SAG Stand for?” for more about what SAG is). They wonder exactly how to join SAG and whether they will be seen for SAG projects if they are …
Apr 15
What Is a Callback After an Acting Audition? (Showbiz Term of the Day)
There is a chance that your child will get “a callback” after an acting audition if that acting audition goes well and your child is right for the part. When your child gets a callback for an acting audition for the very first time, you may not know exactly what that means. My daughter got …
Mar 31
What Is a Go-See? (Showbiz Term of the Day)
If you are starting a career in showbiz that includes modeling, you have certainly heard, or will very soon hear, the term “Go-See.” Today’s Showbiz Term of the Day is “Go-See.” My daughter was almost 6 when she had her first “go-see” for Pottery Barn. She did not even have a comp card or headshot …
Mar 24
What Skills Are Helpful When You Become a Child Actor?
When you become a child actor, it is important to work on your acting skills. Being a good actor is certainly important when you pursue an acting career. But when you become a child actor, it is also a good idea to work on other skills. Learning to do a variety of things helps you …