Nov 30

What is a “CD” as Related to Acting Auditions? (Showbiz Term of the Day)

I am starting a new series called “Showbiz Term of the Day.” Today’s showbiz term of the day is “CD.” Do you know what CD refers to when it is used related to Acting Auditions or Print Auditions?

I know I wondered what the term CD meant when I first heard it used when my daughter went on her first acting auditions. Acting terminology can be very confusing, especially when it comes to many of the acronyms that are often used.

You have probably heard “CD” used in several different ways I can think of right off the top of my head.

The most common uses of CD that come to mind are “Certificate of Deposit” and “Compact Disc.”

Neither of those is the term I am defining today. I am discussing CD in relation to acting auditions and show business.

So, “What is a CD as Related to Acting Auditions?”

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Nov 24

Where is the California Entertainment Work Permit Office in Van Nuys?

The very first time I went to the California entertainment work permit office in Van Nuys, I remember wishing I had more information. I wished I knew what the building hosting the entertainment work permit office looked like and exactly where it was.

I also wished I knew where to park. And I wished I knew where to find the entertainment work permit office once I got to the building.

Entertainment Work Permit Office in Van Nuys

Entertainment Work Permit Office in Van Nuys

I take a journey to the entertainment work permit office about every 6 months to get my daughter’s work permit renewed. The last time I went, I decided to take a few pictures to share with visitors to my site.

Now, when you go to get your child a California work permit you’ll know exactly what the building looks like and where to go when you get there.

You can read all about who needs to get an entertainment work permit and how to get one in my previous posts on this topic (see “How Do You Get a Child Entertainment Work Permit in Southern California?,”  “How Do You Renew Your Child’s Entertainment Work Permit?, and “Do You Need an Entertainment Work Permit for Your Child Actor?” )

So, are you wondering exactly “Where Is the California Entertainment Work Permit Office in Van Nuys?

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Nov 19

How Do You Create Videos of Acting Auditions to Submit to Casting Directors?

Theatrical Auditions are Acting Auditions for Film/TV

Video of Acting Auditions for Film or TV

My daughter just got an audition request from a casting director where the acting auditions must be submitted on video. This is for a theatrical audition (see “Do You Know What Theatrical Acting Auditions Are”  for more on this topic)  for a feature film.

We’ve created a number of videos of acting auditions since we’ve been in Los Angeles. It is a little more work than just showing up in person for the audition, but there are some advantages.

Creating videos of acting auditions is fairly common for actors not living in the LA area.  It is less common for most of us in the LA area, though it seems like it has become more common lately. So many projects are being filmed in places other than LA these days.

We’ve created videos of acting auditions in various ways when they’ve been requested.  We’ve created videos of acting auditions ourselves, had friends help us create them, paid acting coaches and teachers to create them for us, and gone into a small studio to have them created.

If you pay someone to do it for you, it can be expensive, but the quality of the resulting video is likely to be quite good.

Some of our friends are good at creating audition videos at home. If you have a friend who has good equipment and is into creating videos,  they might be willing to do it for you for free.

With a little practice and some decent equipment, you can create good videos of acting auditions yourself.

So, what choices do you have when submitting videos of acting auditions?  Should you create your own audition videos? Or should you pay someone to create an audition video for you? You really have to weigh the pros and cons.

If you’ve gotten a request to submit an audition video, you are probably wondering “How Do You Create Videos of Acting Auditions to Submit to Casting Directors?

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Nov 11

Is It Worth It to Be In Musical Theatre Productions?

We’ve managed to make it through another local musical theatre production. This time, my daughter was in a musical production of “Hocus Pocus” and she played ‘Sarah,’ the dumb witch.

We are both exhausted. But I know she will look back on this musical theatre experience, as all the others she’s had, with great fondness. And I know she’ll share, for many years, a special closeness with the other cast members.

Of course, it is good experience, and she can put this on her resume. But that is really not what is most important to her about this experience.  She loves interacting with others and performing on stage for an audience.

So, “Is it worth it to be in musical theatre productions?

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Oct 07

How Do You Get Voice Over Jobs?

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 15:  Angelina Jolie and J...

Jack Black, Angelina Jolie, Kung Fu Panda, Voice Over Jobs Getty Images via Daylife

Have you ever thought about trying to get voice over jobs?  If you have, you probably have no idea where to begin.

Even children can get voice over jobs. And voice over jobs can be quite fun and profitable.

When my daughter did voice over jobs, they were great. I had no special clothing to dress her in, and I did not have to worry about how she looked.

And even better, we were in and out of the studio in a short amount of time.

For me,  finding the studio was actually the hardest part of the job!

The following is an interesting article by Jeffrey Leclair providing some tips to help you get started in voice over.  The title of this article, which I have copied below for you to read, is:  Voice-Over Actor Talent Tips!

So “How Do You Get Voice Over Jobs?

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