Category Archive: Musical Theatre

Theatre-type activities such as plays, broadway shows, etc.

Jun 21

If Your Child Auditions for Professional Acting Jobs, Should You Participate in Community Theatre?

If your child auditions for professional acting jobs, being involved in community theatre can sometimes result in unexpected dilemmas. Certainly, your child is auditioning hoping to get acting jobs. But you never know when a booking will occur. You don’t want your child to just sit around doing nothing while waiting to hear that an …

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Nov 11

Is It Worth It to Be In Musical Theatre Productions?

We’ve managed to make it through another local musical theatre production. This time, my daughter was in a musical production of “Hocus Pocus” and she played ‘Sarah,’ the dumb witch. We are both exhausted. But I know she will look back on this musical theatre experience, as all the others she’s had, with great fondness. …

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May 06

What Can Musical Theatre Do for Your Child?

My daughter loves doing theatre, and in particular, musical theatre.  She just performed as ‘Belle‘ in “Beauty and the Beast” this past weekend in a community musical theatre production. She has been in eight community theatre productions over the last two years. This has kept both of us very busy. The last several weeks have …

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Nov 17

Should Your Child Do Musical Theatre or Any Theatre?

Why do some talent managers, talent agents, and acting teachers not want their talent to do theatre? Some don’t want them to do it because it interferes with availability for auditions and jobs. Some teachers don’t want them to do it because it might conflict with their subtler acting style for tv and film.