

Mar 25

How Do You Become a Disney Channel Actress?

It seems like every girl I know has the desire to become a Disney Channel actress.  And there is nothing wrong with wishing for that, or with dreaming about being a Disney Channel star.

And frankly, little girls could dream of things a lot less wholesome than Disney, so I say let them keep dreaming.  What could be more magical for a young girl than being on the Disney Channel where everyone they know can see them?

The fact is your daughter could become a Disney Channel actress, or your son could become a Disney Channel actor.  But the reality is that these things are dreamed by many but achieved by few. And rarely do young people become Disney Channel stars overnight, regardless of how it may appear.

If you look at the history of nearly any Disney Channel star, you’ll find that they worked in the entertainment industry for a number of years before becoming a star.

Look up some of your favorite Disney Channel stars from High School Musical in the Internet Movie Database (e.g., Ashley Tisdale). Check out the earliest listed tv or film role there and the year they became a Disney Channel star. There were probably at least three or four years between their first listed role and when they became a star on Disney Channel.

So parents, you can help your child chase after every Disney opportunity you hear about (see more discussion on this topic in How Do You Get Auditions for Disney Channel).  But truthfully, the time you and your young actor spend doing those things could be better spent.

If you really want to give your child the chance to become a Disney Channel actress or actor, you need to guide them to do things that are more likely to make a difference in the long run.  So what can you do?

The truth is, while there are absolutely no guarantees in showbiz, there are things you can do to help increase your child’s chances of succeeding with Disney or in the entertainment industry in general.  The following is a good list to start with:

  • Enroll your child in acting classes. Research to make sure the teacher is reputable.
  • Enroll your child in voice classes or lessons. Singing ability and training can be a real plus for Disney Channel roles.
  • Enroll your child in a comedy and improvisation class. This is particularly valuable for Disney-type shows, plus it is a lot of fun.
  • Seek representation of a talent agent and/or talent manager for your child as this is the best way to get your child into Disney auditions.
  • Encourage your child to get involved in community, church, and school plays or other activities where they can perform.

If your child really does want to become a Disney Channel actress or become a Disney Channel actor, help them to keep that dream alive by having them develop skills and do things that could actually help them achieve that goal.

And remind your child that becoming a Disney Channel star is not something that happens quickly.  If it is something they really want, they need to work hard to try to get it.  And they need to be patient.

For more tips on how to become a Disney Channel actress and to become successful in the entertainment industry, sign up for Your Young Actor’s Newsletter.


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  1. Mariah Anderson

    Hi my name is mariah , I live New Orleans, Lousi 17anna . I’m 12 about to be 13 on August 17 , 2013 . I’m not a shy person, i love to have fun . Thank you for your time hope you reply back ~Mariah Anderson

  2. Mariah Anderson

    Hi my name is mariah , I live New Orleans, Lousisanna . I’m 12 about to be 13 on August 17 , 2013 . I’m not a shy person, i love to have fun . Thank you for your time hope you reply back ~Mariah Anderson

  3. alesha mcbride

    I will love to be an young actor

  4. Samantha

    Hi, my name is samantha and im 12 years old my dream is to become a singer/ actor and maybe a dancer! i love disney channel and i watch it all the time and it will be my dream to be on disney channel and ithink i act and sing good. Please give me a chance, i will nenevr give up on this dream ever

  5. samantha gonzalez

    Hi my name is samantha, im 12 years old and my dream is to become a singer and a disney channel actor, i will never give up on this dream. please give me a chance, i think i act pretty good and sing very well, please reply

  6. Jaden and Destiny

    Hi, I am a 13 year old girl with dreams of becoming a actress.
    And my almost 13 friend, Destiny share the same dream.
    We know that we have the talent to be successful.
    And we both told our parents but they replied with “Many people want to be famous, but its a 1/1,000,000 chances you will. But we don’t care about what they think of our dream. We both want to inspire others. We want people to hear our words.
    And we think creating someone else’s perspective is so amazing.
    We appreciate if you took the time to read this.

  7. Savannah Welch

    It is my dream to become a famous actress

  8. Alyssa

    I want to be a famous actress I am 10 years old I want to act but I am kind of shy but i’m really good. Please email me and let me know if there are ANY openings on a new upcoming show I would love to audition please let me know. Thanks for your time ~Alyssa Dawson

  9. Angelica

    Hi,i’m 10 and i really want to be an actress it’s been my dream since i was 5,and i’m devoted to be an actress no matter what it takes i’m trying to make my dreams come truth!

  10. kylie

    it has been my dream to become an actress since I was 8 years old and I’m 13 years old ill be 14 in September. I live in Price, Utah. I always make personnel videos with my younger sister. we also love to watch Disney channel. I hope my actress dreams come true.

  11. Hana

    I think it would awesome to be an actress, but sadly, I don’t have the time.

  12. shania anderson

    I would love to be a Disney channel actress

  13. ryenne williams

    it has always been my dream to be on disney channel i know how to sing and act the most i just want to put myself out there and share the spotlight with my bffs lauren and chiamaka we have always been there for each other even through our ups and our downs.

  14. Sierra Miles

    I would love to be on Disney channel!!!!! Please help me achieve my dream!!!

  15. Robson Mangwiza

    Hi my name is Robson Mangwiza and Iam 12years old l would love being on Disney bye now

  16. Sarah

    Hi I’m 11 years old and I’m a girl and I live in auburn ca

  17. Sarah

    Hi my name is Sarah i’m 11 years old I’m a girl I live in Auburn Ca and I love after I do a Christmas play every year for Christmas and I’ve been doing that for five years And I’m in a Christmas choir called Christmas desserts I have been doing that for two years and I just love acting I can sing but I can only sing with people sing with me but I could but I choose not to sing by myself I really want to be in Disney channel so that I can help my mom and dad get money for family I have one brother two sisters and I have animals I have three goats that are pregnant ,two bunnies ,10 chickens ,two dogs a guinea pig , so I just really want to be a actor on Disney channel it’s always been a dream of mine to be on it thank u

  18. Sarah

    Can I take acting very serious

  19. Sarah

    Sorry i take Acting very serious

  20. Isabell Theissen

    Hello my name is Isabell but I prefer being called Izzy. Acting has been my dream ever since I remember. I am so inspired by all the actors/actresses on t.v. today. I also know it is severely hard to become an actress but I want to be known for who I am and what I do. I am a twelve year old girl who’s had this dream forever. And I know some people might say oh but your too young sweetheart. But I’m not there is actors and actresses out there younger than me. I just want a chance at something that I will try my hardest at. And I believe in myself and know that I can do it. If there is anyone out there that can help me become an actress please let me know. It’s the one thing I’m good at because I am terrible at sports. Please please please I want to become one.

  21. Cheyenne Coleman

    I’ve Always Wanted To Be An Actress But I’m Having Trouble Please Help Me Plus I Am 13 Years Old

  22. maryjane salazar

    I honestly tried hard all my life to become what I want to become.
    I’m still a 9th grader and my feature depends one me. I want to became an actress, I can do whatever it takes to get in the Disney channel team. I love the environment, helping people and all I have to do is achieve my success on becoming an actress.

  23. Ben@McConley

    Get parental support and look up talent agents in your area.Write a legitimate and thorough resume.Get a head shot that will catch eyes.Choose your potential agents carefully.

  24. Daleaney brewer

    I’m Daleaney brewer and I’ve been wanting to be on Disney channel since I first watched it and it would mean every thing to me. I’m good at singing dancing (kind of)and acting and I love all the shows and I have an happy attitude and support everything u do and I have only been to Disney world once and I’m 10 and bout to go middle school and have a creative style skinny jeans and a T-shirt and sometimes suspenders and live in Pensacola Florida in escambia county in ferry pass soooo if there’s any way u can get me on there I will be very happy!!! ????????????????????????????????

  25. Daleaney brewer

    I’m Daleaney brewer and I’ve been wanting to be on Disney channel since I first watched it and it would mean every thing to me. I’m good at singing dancing (kind of)and acting and I love all the shows and I have an happy attitude and support everything u do and I have only been to Disney world once and I’m 10 and bout to go middle school and have a creative style skinny jeans and a T-shirt and sometimes suspenders and live in Pensacola Florida in escambia county in ferry pass soooo if there’s any way u can get me on there I will be very happy!!! ????????????????????????????????

  26. Mufaro

    My name is Mufaro Chisango, im not that rich and my dream was to make my family rich.Im from Africa.I have been studing what actors do and me and my family would really appreciate if you hire me.Im also fluent in speaking English.Im 12 years and i looking foward to your reply.

    Yours faithfully

    Mufaro Chisango

  27. Sara

    Hi my name is Sara, I am 12 years old and I live in a small town in Michigan. I have no experience, but I think I can act pretty well. I was thinking of being an actress on a Disney channel show to start out small, and as I grow older to get bigger and better roles. I was inspired to act by watching my favorite actor Rami Malek perform in many television shows and movies. To become an actress would be a dream come true for me! – Sara

  28. Hope

    I’m keeping my eyes wide open for acting with Disney! Hi ? I’m Hope! An insanely quirky 12 year old. I have a little experience as an Actress and singer. Yet, I’m very confident in my skills. With a little more work maybe 😀 I am in a Small Town in Hawaii right now. I have wanted to act since I was 3 and turned on Hannah Montana!!!!! My favorite Actress is Peyton Roi List <3 I would like a Side Main Character at first 🙂 I would love knowing I make people happy and laugh! Acting is my passion. Ignore me and you might just miss an opportunity! My style is pretty much anything! I'm also very tall for my age ^_~
    Confidently yours,
    Hope ?.?

  29. Lina

    My name is Lina I am 12 years old and I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have always wanted to become a Disney Channel actress I have no experience I just try to learn on TV like follow along with the actors, for example: sometimes when I watch Disney I sometimes say what the actors just said and pretend I’m them and start acting while they are acting, or something like that. To try to have at least a little experience I am going to join the theater club at my school. I would be so happy if you can make my dreams come true.

  30. Amber Christine loutzenhiser

    I really really want to be an actor I’m funny cute and nice rapped up into one body please think about it it would be my dream come true no seriously I really do dream about these things

  31. Amber Christine loutzenhiser

    I really really want to be an actor I’m funny cute and nice rapped up into one body please think about it it would be my dream come true no seriously I really do dream about these things. Please!!!!!!!??????

  32. Evangelyn

    Hi my name is Evangelyn Chang. I am 11 years old. I live in Singapore. I have always wanted to be a Disney Channel actress. I have talked to my parents about this and they said that it is a waste of time but I will not let be dreams fade away. I have a little experience in singing and acting. Yet, I am confident in my skills. I have been practicing everyday on my singing and acting skills at home after I have finished my homework. I have been wanting to act since I was 3. And as you know that I am from Singapore, I won’t become famous. I really want to inspire others. I have a really good sense of humor and always make my friends laugh. Sometimes, I make myself laugh too. It will be a dream come true if I became a Disney Channel Actress.


  33. Evangelyn

    Hi my name is Evangelyn Chang. I am 11 years old. I live in Singapore. I have always wanted to be a Disney Channel actress. I have talked to my parents about this and they said that it is a waste of time but I will not let be dreams fade away. I have a little experience in singing and acting. Yet, I am confident in my skills. I have been practicing everyday on my singing and acting skills at home after I have finished my homework. I have been wanting to act and sing since I was 3. And as you know that I am from Singapore, I won’t become famous. I really want to inspire others. I have a really good sense of humor and always make my friends laugh. Sometimes, I make myself laugh too. It will be a dream come true if I became a Disney Channel Actress.


  34. Deon

    My grandson really wants to be on disney he would be happy to be on tv

  35. Turner Brasfield

    Hello, I’m Turner, & I’m 13, & my best friend is a huge fan of Disney Channel. I watched Disney, & started to get into it. I’d be pleasured to be an actor for Disney.

  36. Nora Darras

    Hello! I’m Nora, I live currently in Amman Jordan but I was born and raised for part of my life in Tallahassee Florida. I am fluent in Arabic and English. Trust me I’m American. Lol… But I’m 13 and my dream was to become a model or a dermatologist. But after getting interested in Disney and films all around the world it was my dream to become a actress. I wanted become a actress after seeing “The Maze Runner” it was so full of drama I just died while watching it… Thank you


  37. bello mariam

    Hiii am Bello mariam, am from Nigeria, am 17years old this year. Please i wil like to become a Disney movie star… And i wil really appreciate it if my request is considered…. Thank you.

  38. Jamarcus

    I really want to become an actress for nickelodeon????

  39. Jazmine?

    Hi! My name is Jazmine and I am 10 years old. I really want to become a Disney Channel Actress. Everytime I watch Disney Channel it makes me really want to act to. I pretend to act at home ( usually my favorite characters ) ????????
    I’m also a model. I recently did a fashion show at the Ontario Airport Hotel and got paid $75.???????????????????? Anyway, hopefully a miracle will happen and I will be on a show on Disney Channel sometime soon?????? My friend was asked to be on Disney Channel, anf she showed me the paper, but I don’t think she made an audition or something ???????????????????? I will be waitin in the mean time?????????????????????????????

  40. Jazmine

    Hi! My name is Jazmine and I am 10 years old. I really want to become a Disney Channel Actress. Everytime I watch Disney Channel it makes me really want to act to. I pretend to act at home ( usually my favorite characters )
    I’m also a model. I recently did a fashion show at the Ontario Airport Hotel and got paid $75. Anyway, hopefully a miracle will happen and I will be on a show on Disney Channel sometime soon. My friend was asked to be on Disney Channel, anf she showed me the paper, but I don’t think she made an audition or something??????? I will be waiti g for something in the mean time.

  41. Raelynn

    Hi I really like to act ever time I watch a movie I always act it out so I really will love to act i am shy but I think I can really do good just email me when you have a movie that is coming out

  42. Yzabella

    Hey, I’m a 12 year old girl and have the same dream as everyone else looking at this website, so it’d be no surprise if you just scroll down and scan the comments, but if you stop and read any of these comments I hope that they will read the rest of these. Anyways, I’ve always wanted to act and my parents want me to try and accomplish my dreams, bbbuuut they think that auditioning for TV is crazy and won’t really help me with my dream. This is really hard cause I can’t just go and audition but I have faith that I will at least get a chance to shine????I’m looking forward to an answer/reply. Thxz for reading this message????????

  43. Libbi

    Hi I’m Elyzabeth but many people call me Libbi. I’m 11 years old, turning 12 in February 2017, and I think I’m a pretty good singer. I’ve loved Disney Channel since I was about 6 and have always wanted to act on the channel. If there is any openings I would love to try to audition, my memory is a little bad but I can definitely remember verses. Thank you for your time if you read this! E-mail me back if there is a chance!
    ~Libbi Pike

  44. brenda

    hi my name is Brenda I will like to have an acting role on Disney channel it is my dream if I get a part I will like to be there I live in cedar fall and thanks for making my dream come true

  45. Ella price

    Hi my Name is Ella Price I am 10years old I live in South Carolina and singing has always been my passion I am in honor choir at school and it has always been my dream to be on Disney channel because those singers inspired me to start writing my own songs and really sing in general and one day I hope to inspire girls like Disney channel actors like Dove Cameron did for me

  46. Ella price

    Thankyou for your time and if you read this thankyou I know I am only 10 but I have always had big dreams

  47. Tristan Joyner

    My name is Tristan Joyner and I’m 13 I will 14 in Aug I love all your shows my favorite is bunked and I would love to become a actor

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  1. How To Become A Disney Channel Actress – Information

    […] How Do You Become a Disney Channel Actress … – Your … – If your child really does want to become a Disney Channel actress or become a Disney Channel actor, help them to keep that dream alive by having them develop … […]

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